1) Start small
You probably already have a small idea of things you would like to get rid of in your kitchen or garage, but try to avoid large rooms to start. They can become overwhelming quick.
Choose a room that is smaller and has little emotional attachment. The laundry room or a linen closet are good places to start.
When going through your items, consider where you are planning to move. If you’re moving into a two-bedroom, four sets of sheets should be plenty. The rest can go.
2) Eliminate Duplicates
Have you ever noticed how many of the same items you have in your kitchen? You probably have two or three spatulas and ladles; a couple of oversized pots; four different sized cookie sheets; a blender, a food processor, a coffee grinder etc...
Now’s the time to reduce the clutter! If you feel hesitant to get rid of items that you use only at holiday times, consider passing them to family members.
3) Make Some Cash!
With so many online resources like Marketplace on Facebook, smartphone apps (ask your grandchildren for help), yard sales and consignment shops, it has never been so easy to sell your belongings!
Yard sales are perfect for getting things sold quickly, but if you have special items that you know will go for more money like electronics, consider online resources. Quality, high-end furniture sells great at consignment shops and sometimes they will come pick it up for you!
4) Maintain a Positive Outlook & Mindset
Focus on the life ahead of you. Cleaning out can be a time to renew. As you remove things from your life that no longer have significance to you, it inevitably becomes a time to think about what is important to you now. What do you think will be important to you in the next five or ten years? It feels good to look back and remember how much you have grown and let things go to start fresh. The days ahead are new and exciting. There are new friends to be made and new adventures to be had!